Specialty 104 Physics and Astronomy

Specialty Physics and Astronomy (104) prepares specialists with contemporary knowledge in physics, astronomy, electronics, and programming. Modern physics advances in the fields of nanomaterials, optics and quantum electronics, atomic nuclei, alternative energy sources, energy-saving technologies, near-Earth space, stars, and galaxies involve modern computer technologies and provide a basis for further development of scientific and technological progress. Experience in the elaboration of physical models of real world is transferred to any field in information technology - from search engines to the banking sector. In many life circumstances, a person who knows and understands physics can use his/her analytical thinking skills to find simple solutions to complex problems.

It is a distinctive feature of modern astronomy to deal with large volumes of scientific information in digital formats. Astronomers work with databases and use up-to-date software products to process astronomical observations and model space objects. The modern specialist in astronomy should be well-oriented in the modern information world, correctly pose and solve scientific and applied problems in any field, and be capable to apply information technology together with physical methods to solve various scientific, production and technical problems.


  • Physics;
  • Astronomy.

Employment opportunities

  • Scientists at research institutions, research-and-production enterprises, computing and analytical centers, astronomical observatories and national space agencies;
  • Teachers in physical and technical disciplines at higher and secondary educational institutions;
  • Engineers, scientists, consultants, and experts at control and management organizations, executive authorities, law enforcement agencies, environmental monitoring centers, banks, consulting companies, advertising agencies, PR and IT companies.

 Specialty 105 Applied Physics and Nanomaterials

The specialty of Applied Physics and Nanomaterials (105) is focused on the training of specialists qualified to apply physical methods, processes and technologies in appliances, systems and methods of modern medicine, pharmacology and technology of creating biocompatible materials. The development of modern medicine is impossible without the employment of complex medical appliances and systems that operate on the basis of known physical phenomena and processes and use computer technologies for processing, representing and storing information. Medical diagnostics are based on recording both the physical fields in the human body and the interaction of external physical fields with the body. The knowledge of latest achievements in physics, electronics, nano- and optoelectronics, modern programming techniques and communication technologies allows the medical physicist to succeed in developing new instruments, diagnostic and therapeutic systems, and to ensure their proper functioning and upgrading. Of particular importance is the training of physicists-scientists qualified to plan and conduct scientific research, interpret their results, transform scientific developments into competitive goods and services, and distribute them among medical and biological institutions.


  • Medical Physics;
  • Physics and Technology of Nanomaterials.

Employment opportunities

  • Medical equipment engineers at diagnostic and therapeutic medical institutions;
  • Research staff at industrial laboratories, institutes and research-and-production centers for development of new medical equipment and systems;
  • Experts on new medical developments based on physical methods, processes, and technologies;
  • Managers and representatives of manufacturing companies for implementation, maintenance and promotion of new medical equipment on the market;
  • Engineers and researchers at institutes, universities, and industrial enterprises for development, production and practical implementation of new nanomaterials.